Removals Plymouth Vans

☎ ManVan 07525 326859

Plymouth Postcode Rates


We have found that on average, our customers are likely to pay between £40 to £80 for our man and van Plymouth services. This is because we offer great value, believe in total integrity and are very efficient. Just click below to see our customer TESTIMONIALS

We also work Nationally

Man Van Plymouth Light Removals, Plymouth Removal Champions

Removals Plymouth

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Rubbish and Waste Collection in Plymouth.

ManVan Plymouth is a registered waste carrier, but in most cases it is far simpler for the customer to contact their local authority to collect bulky items. Why is this?

It is because, by hiring someone like ManVan Plymouth, you are probably going to end up paying more money. First we will charge you an hourly rate for collecting and transporting the waste, then you will be charged a commercial rate for disposal of the items at a third party disposal site. This disposal cost will be a minimum of £65 plus vat!

Plymouth City Council offer their own chargeable Bulky waste collection service

What won't they collect? Paint, car parts and tyres, chemicals, asbestos, building or DIY waste, any items that cannot be carried by two people, any commercial equipment, garden waste - you may qualify for their free garden waste collection service.

You can book a Plymouth City Council bulky watse collection by contacting the Waste Enquiry Line on 01752 668000.
